More than 20 academicians including professors being taken into custody just because of their signatures for a petition, proves the Government has no more words to say.
The Dictator calls out to 70 million people: "stop talking and obey". The command was "be part of reasoning experts" yesterday. Today it is more simple: "Stop talking!"
The ones who stop talking and the ones who make others stop, would take part in the crime of driving this country to the edge of a cliff.
In the countries ruled by the whealthy classes the only rule is to keep this mandate.
Still, they call "democracy" "human rights", regulations are built, principles are defined.
When things get complicated for the ruling class all these socalled principles are forgoten.
This is just what is happening today in our country.
Land, nation, religion, faith, honour...
All these are just words now. There is only one principle ruling our country: Obedience to the Dictator.
The dictator who told yesterday that his intelligence service is negotiating Öcalan for the "peace process" in the Kurdish question, may act in a totally different dimension today. The cheeky advocates of him would not see anything wrong in this, everybody is supposed to obey the dictator.
Yesterday IS was not a terrorist organization but reactive muslims for them, yet today they may state "we are the one who is fighting IS". Everybody is expected not to think, not to question but applause.
They can call the ones, who they negotiated yeterday under the approval of CIA, as "terrorists who should be swept away" today. While posing "no tears for mothers" yesterday, today they may say "opposing the killings of the children means speaking with the terrorist words".
We believe that, this ship, which is run by a blind captain holding broken wheel with drunken crew, will eventually be stranded.
It would be a mass suicide trying to stop everyone talking instead of stopping the ones who ask for full obedience and silence.
If it contiunes like this, it would be inevitable that this country would disintegrate and be driven through under the rule of foreign states and institutions.
All our people, regardless of their attitude towards the Kurdish question, their opinion and position, should stand against the oppression over the academicians today.
Our common words are clear: We will not be the soldiers of Erdoğan!
Communist Party, Turkey
Central Committee