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Communist Party, Turkey (KP) hopes to struggle arm-in-arm with the communists from all over the world in 2017,
100 years after the Great October Socialist Revolution

It has appeared that many people were dead or wounded in the bomb attacks happened at Besiktas yesterday.
The number of casualties which approaches 30 might increase in the coming hours.
We share our deep condolences with the acquaintances and beloved ones of the victims and wish health to the wounded people.

We have received the news regarding the death of the Great Commander of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro Ruz. We are in deep grief. [ES]
We have just lost one of the greatest heroes of humanity who was raised in the twentieth century. The Cuban Revolution in 1959 was the most distinctive segment of the epoch of socialist revolutions which was started by the 1917 Russian Revolution.

In today’s statement made by the Prime Ministry and directed to foreign press on the ongoing operation against several MPs of HDP, it was clear that the Turkish government tries to find a pretext for arrests: It is claimed that this is a normal procedure since they did not appear in court to give testimony!
The day before, the Minister of Justice could only say “bad luck” after it was revealed that the prosecutor assigned to Cumhuriyet newspaper case was also under investigation for being a Gülenist.
It is not also possible to find a reasonable explanation for AKP’s attacks to the academy. Rectorial elections were an accessory by the military regime after 12th September, 1980. Even this was too much for the AKP regime.
At the core of these attacks lies the fact that AKP has no other choice than suppressing every segment of the society. If they reduce this suppression even a little, their power mechanisms that they can hardly hold together, the state apparatus, economy, profits made by the capitalists, the armed forces they released to Middle East and even their own political party will certainly collapse as a whole.

Communist Party of Turkey reaches 96 years [ES]
On September 10, 1920 in Baku, the Communist Party of Turkey was founded.
Communist Party of Turkey organised its initial congress, neighbouring a revolution which gave hope to the humanity, when just after a bloody war and in a world in which exploiters fighting to take their share in plunder.

Our country needs a new liberation. Anyone should know that this new liberation will save us from the parasitical, reactionary, decadent class. Then and only then this country will regain its legitimate raison d’être, achieve its independence, and will be a place of equality and freedom.
And then, in such a country, August 30 shall be a day of joyful celebration, referred to as “these struggles too are part of our history.”

The operation in Jarablus, Syria bogs down Turkey into the marsh of war. This totally illegitimate and incoherent operation should be stopped immediately.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party gathered on 17th of July and assessed the latest developments in the country deeply and also discussed the state of the Party and its tasks at hand. [EN] [DE][AR] [RU]

The workers from Syria and Turkey should struggle together against capitalists and imperialism since they will be exploited by the same bourgeoise in this country