In today’s statement made by the Prime Ministry and directed to foreign press on the ongoing operation against several MPs of HDP, it was clear that the Turkish government tries to find a pretext for arrests: It is claimed that this is a normal procedure since they did not appear in court to give testimony!
The day before, the Minister of Justice could only say “bad luck” after it was revealed that the prosecutor assigned to Cumhuriyet newspaper case was also under investigation for being a Gülenist.
It is not also possible to find a reasonable explanation for AKP’s attacks to the academy. Rectorial elections were an accessory by the military regime after 12th September, 1980. Even this was too much for the AKP regime.
At the core of these attacks lies the fact that AKP has no other choice than suppressing every segment of the society. If they reduce this suppression even a little, their power mechanisms that they can hardly hold together, the state apparatus, economy, profits made by the capitalists, the armed forces they released to Middle East and even their own political party will certainly collapse as a whole.
AKP is not gaining any strength by attacking. It is just postponing the inevitable ending.
Communist Party, Turkey is strongly against the ongoing repressive practices as in the recent case of HDP deputies and is in solidarity with those who are victimized, sacked, disentitled and restrained from doing their job under the pretext of 15th July coup attempt although they have nothing to with the Gülenist sect.
On the other hand, this course of events also signals the dissolution of the line of opposition which has adopted a compromising stance against AKP’s dictatorship. It is also a fact of this country that those called nationalists tried to get rid of their competitors called liberals by forwarding their complains to AKP, while fascist and reactionist policies have been carried openly. The main opposition party assumes that evaluating the unlawful practices of elimination in public institutions by worrying about “who is affected and who is not” means struggling against AKP. The question if there is even any opposition arises when we remember that the puppet mayors substituted for elected mayors have been accepted by the elected city councils. In a country where city councils accept and tolerate the appointment of a trustee, it has also been possible to form a constitutional committee within the Grand National Assembly. Those who pretend to be the best ones to guard democracy can present their shows in the dirty lobbies of imperialist diplomacy as a struggle. All of them wait for an invitation from liberal/mainstream media channels that were long evidenced to be submitted to Erdoğan to demonstrate their opposition to AKP. All of these have dissolved.
What is happening in Turkey today coincides with the period in which the contradictions within the imperialist-capitalist system have sharpened to the utmost. It is not possible to discuss AKP’s attitudes without putting these contradictions at the center. It must be known that any “opposition” that blossomed out of any capitalist group or any imperialist power is a betrayal against the people of this country and gives AKP the opportunity to justify itself. The same thing can be said about the bombings terrorizing every field of communal living.
This system demolishes the political arena entirely.
Communist Party, Turkey calls the workers, academics, real press workers who live on their labors to detach themselves totally from this decayed system.
It is seen that AKP has the power to attack for now. However, it is not attacking because it has power, but because it has to. There is no exit of this road. The lack of exits for the system is an open invitation for our working people.
Communist Party, Turkey invites people to fight and to organize.