Basın Açıklamaları

Patriots, peace activists, pro-labour intelligensia, people of real political thought, Turks, Kurds...
Shake yourselves. We have a duty of pulling this country out of this dishonour.

More than 20 academicians including professors being taken into custody just because of their signatures for a petition, proves the Government has no more words to say.

No doubt that the government will once again step up and declare that "they were right" after this incident. We will not let this happen! The AKP government has blood on its hands, and will pay for it!

The ban on the Communist Party of Ukraine cannot be accepted!

We support the Communist Party in the upcoming General Elections on November 1st. [En] [Es] [Ru] [Ar]

The 17th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties held in Istanbul with the topic "The tasks of Communist and Workers’ Parties to strengthen the struggle of the working class against capitalist exploitation, imperialist wars and fascism, for workers’ and peoples’ emancipation, for socialism".


Central Committee of Communist Party successfully completed a meeting where developments in the country and the objectives of daily struggle were evaluated. We will share some of the conclusions of this meeting with our people.

The Communist Party will not leave its three members at the dictator’s mercy
We reject the Taksim detentions
The Communist Party does not have to carry out its political activities in a framework determined by a government acting as the public enemy.
On May 1, some Communist Party members were assigned to be in Taksim Square by the Central Committee of the Party and they accomplished their duty with great discipline and determination.

The two Parties discussed the dramatic developments in the Middle East, the war raging in Syria and Iraq, the military and other illegal interventions of NATO forces, the reactionary role of fanatical terrorist organizations and the general instability. Furthermore, they also discussed the situation in Palestine and reaffirmed their solidarity with the Palestinian people.