Patriots, peace activists, pro-labour intelligensia, people of real political thought, Turks, Kurds...
Shake yourselves. We have a duty of pulling this country out of this dishonour.
All together you draw this country into dishonour
Couldn't you just reject to meet a disrespectful colonialist?
Jo Biden visited Turkey. He stayed in a hotel and met various people from a long list. He met members of parliament from AKP, HDP, CHP, academicians, human right activists, the son of Can Dündar, the imprisoned journalist...
MHP rejected the invitation saying they "couldn't take place on such a ground considering the possible agenda and the purpose of the meeting". They couldn't claim "We do not meet the governors of the colonies, the representatives of the imperialist powers who stained Middle East with blood", but only could say "we just did not like the topic, if only it wasn't about the Kurds ". Actually they happened to say "We would help you with your design over the Middle East. But just leave us out of the plans where to put the Kurds in that design."
Long ago the governors of the colonies were getting appointed. The governors of colonies had "chateau"s, mansions. They were holding their meetings at dinner parties.
Joe Biden is a disrespectful colonialist. He stays at a hotel and calls his visitors one by one to his presence.
We had declared it was an "ineffective verdict" when Can Dündar was imprisoned by the order of the Dictator one and a half month ago. Today we feel deep sadness hearing Dündar's son saying "Biden told me, 'your father is a brave fellow'. And we thanked him". Not because we consider Can Dündar as our comrade in our cause or because we believe liberal columnists may actually be brave without getting supported by US. We felt sad because we thought they shouldn't go that far.
This country has been drawn to this far by the hands of pro-US fascists, hamburger nationalists, fraudulent Davos bullies.
Patriots, peace activists, pro-labour intelligentsia, people of real political thought, Turks, Kurds...
Shake yourselves. We have a duty of pulling this country out of this dishonour.
It is mad to expect salvation from the ones who personally pushed this country into darkness.
The ones who pushed this country into darkness and the ones who easily conform with this dishonour, should keep away from us.
Central Committee
Communist Party, Turkey