Do not submit, do not give in!

Central Committee statement on the recent attack in France, Central, 08.01.2015

The armed assault against the weekly satire magazine Charlie Hebdo that killed 12 people and wounded others can not simply be explained by attributing it to the intolerance of religious reactionism. It can not be explained as a provocation to fuel the fire of xenophobia either. It can not be extenuated through the rationale of not being part of the "dirty war led by the West".

None of these approaches should be allowed to cover the actual threat of religious reactionism against enlightenment, free thought and human life.

Being from a country with a history of massacres of intellectuals by the religious fanatics and zealots, we know very well how the religious reactionism has the tendency for violence.

One can not stay silent facing a group of beliefs that threaten with death anyone who stands against it. All rhetoric that start with "But the real Islam" serve to cover this fact.

The huge difference between respect for beliefs at the personal level versus the reactionary force that is enforcing its own order for the whole world can not be obscured.

Struggle against forces that are attempting to control our social life without respecting any other way of life but theirs does not mean being disrespectful to personal consciences.

Making concessions on freedoms, suffocation by taboos can not be explained with respect but only fear.

Against the attempts of the religious reactionism to intimidate and to silence, we stand in defense of the principles of enlightenment, the secularism, progressive values, republican citizenship, the freedom of thought and the right to struggle against inequality.

The claims that imperialism and reactionism are opposite poles of each other is invalid, both from the perspective of imperialism and religious reactionary murderers. Both are trying to keep the humanity from rising up. Both are trying to perpetuate the rule of inequality and injustice.

Their attempts are in vain. We will not give in, we will not succumb, we will overthrow this order!