Go close yourself to your palace now. Cause, your ex-masters are planning a disastrous end for you. They will catch you just from that sublime stability of yours and undermine. And you, our beloved people, you have no place in this minefield. We will take you out of this darkness you were drawn into by Ottoman dreams, stability-mania, blackmails and lies of all sorts.
"There is no reason why a bomb wouldn't explode in Brussels or any other European city. This is like dancing on a minefield. You couldn't know when you'd step on a mine, yet it is still the obvious end. You nourish a viper in your bosom. That viper could bite you back any day. The bombs exploding here in Turkey may not mean much to you. You will understand how we felt when they start exploding in your cities, yet, it will be too late." R.T Erdoğan, President
Damn your minefield!
The political games of the imperialism have always been bloody. Your masters signed their names under bloody wars, with bombs killing hundreds of people at the end of the world in one day, with the "agent orange" turning countries like Vietnam into hell. At times they placed bombs to the planes, at others they flew airliners for provocation.
You draw Turkey into this meanness olympics. You said "New Ottoman", "Think big Turkey", you pushed Turkey into th deadliest minefield in the world. While "co-co-chairing" you turned the whole country into a ticking bomb.
And you made these people believe that they had to play this game, or else they would lose again. What a coincidence: Hitler had also made the poor German working class to play a bloody game, and had made them believe in no other option.
Yet, it is just the opposite. There is no other choice but to say "I do not accept this blood game, I swear, I wouldn't do that meanness"
On Syria's streets hundreds, maybe thousands have been killed by the bombs of your "Muslim brothers". Now you talk about "today it's me, tomorrow you", shamelessly.
Al-Nusra, Ahrar, FSA, IS... You nourished them all. They carried your flag of darkness in this competition of meanness. Well now, when challenging them saying "what would you do when bombs explode in Brussels" apparently you were not expecting your boys to be shepherded into Brussels.
Go close yourself to your palace now. Cause, your ex-masters are planning a disastrous end for you. They will catch you just from that sublime stability of yours and undermine. Do not ever dare for the "all the big powers gathered against me" talk. You gave yourself your leashes to those big powers. Do not lie to the people.
And you, our beloved people, you have no place in this minefield. We will take you out of this darkness you were drawn into by Ottoman dreams, stability-mania, blackmails and lies of all sorts.
Together we will build the Socialist Turkey. We will never be part of the olympics of the meanness.